Professional Translation of Birth Certificates
Do you need to translate your birth certificate from German into English for the USCIS? Do you need the translation to be certified and notarized? We can help. BBT Translation Services, a professional translation agency located in the USA offers certified, official and fast translation of Birth Certificates from German into English. ACCEPTANCE GUARANTEED!!!

Professional certified translations from German into English
Need to submit a certified translation from German into English of your birth certificate to the USCIS? You have only one chance of doing it right. You can save time and money and many other problems when you order a translation from an experienced professional translation agency.
We will be happy to clarify any doubt.
A certified translation from German into English is a translation of a document that includes a Certificate of Accuracy signed by the translator attesting to the accuracy of the translation, while mentioning his/her credentials and qualifications to translate your document and declaring that he knows German and English. The Certificate of Accuracy bears our stamps and our signatures. It is placed in our letterhead. Most of the time the translation is a mirror image of the original document. Vital records and academic records are translated word for word.
Most of our certified translations from German into English include a notary signature on the affidavit of accuracy. This is the highest level of certification. The notary signature is from the State of Florida and is accepted in the entire United States, Canada and some European countries.
When you contact us to translate a financial document we can sign a Non Disclosure Agreement with you. All translations are treated as confidential, and we undertake to keep all information that we learn within the scope of our work with your documents in the strictest confidence.

Below is just a small sample of the documents that we translate from German into English: